Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Gone 2 Hell

A lil' update on a story I am working on with Andi Ewington. It's a great story and the first where I have used Manga studio to ink.
Hope you like the update.

Monday, 20 January 2014

Two new pages

I'm currently working on a story called Gone 2 Hell, written bu Andi Ewington. A very exciting project and we have a whole team on board. Steve Denton on colours and Nikki Foxrobot on letters. The plan isto get a pitch done and then see if we get any bites.

Here's a couple of pages.

A new commission

Was asked to do a commission of Nova so here's what I come up with....The colours are just an afterthought and not part of the commission but I did them anyway

Friday, 3 January 2014

Happy New Year!

Well the festive season is all finished and done with. I must say it was one of the best I've had in a few years.

But work must start again. Forty pages to finish off on a graphic novel and some more on another project but as ever still on the look out for more.

Anyhoo here's a recent page.

And I hope you all have a great New year!